1. Please capitalize your last name.
I know that stylistically it can be fun to change up the look, but it's just incorrect. Unless you are trying to make a significant statement (i.e. poet bell hooks), please use correct capitalization.
2. Use a comma after a greeting or closing! "Warmest wishes," "Wishing you a merry Christmas," and "Sent with love" are all phrases (not complete sentences) and therefore require that they are followed by a comma and then your signature. If you do use a complete sentence, then you may substitute a period or exclamation point, but let's be honest, no one writes, "We hope that you have a merry Christmas!" as a closing.
3. For the love of all that is good, learn when to use an apostrophe (comma to the top).
An apostrophe signifies ownership. This is Bob's dog. Adding the letter s or es signifies more than one. There are three Bobs in the room. Let's apply this to our cards:
Correct: Correct: Correct:
With love, With love, With love,
The Smiths The Smith family John Smith's Family
Incorrect: Incorrect: Incorrect:
With love, With love, With love,
The Smith's The Smith's family The Smiths'
The English teacher in me